Analysis of Social Rejection against Mental Illness

estigma y enfermedad mental - Cátedra contra el estigma

Muñoz, M., Pérez Santos, E., Crespo, M., & Guillén, A.

Stigma and mental illness: Analysis of social rejection suffered by people with mental illness

Apart from the disabilities and the difficulties derived from the illness, people with mental illness suffer the consequences of society’s lack of knowledge regarding mental illnesses and the people who suffer them. In many cases, this social prejudice determines and amplifies these people’s difficulties to achieve social and occupational integration. In order to develop effective sensitization actions in the State of Madrid, it was neccessary to broaden the knowledge about the multiple dimensions of this phenomenon. In this line, the project of social investigation about Social Stigma and Mental Illness was developed. The main objectives were: to investigate and get to know the social representations and prejudices society has regarding people with mental illness, and its consequences and impact on these people and their families; to establish action proposals to diminish these attitudes and the stigma in order to increase the sensitization, social acceptance and commitment in the social and occupational integration of people with severe mental illness.

Muñoz, M., Pérez Santos, E., Crespo, M., & Guillén, A. (2009). Estigma y enfermedad mental: Análisis del rechazo social que sufren las personas con enfermedad mental. Madrid: Editorial Complutense SA.

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