Mental Health and Stigma in Young People

Rehabilitación psicosocial contra el estigma

Vaquero, C., Escudero, M. A., Cebollero, M., Ureña, E., & Saiz, J.

Mental illness and stigma in young people. A qualitative study

The present study aims to determine the existence of attitudes and / or stigmatizing behaviors in young people in the south of the region of Madrid.
Sample of 257 people who were administered a battery of questionnaires (Questionnaire CRL Aranjuez); including the AQ-27, EMC and an open
question (Do you think that people with mental illness can work? Explain why). This article summarizes the information obtained from the qualitative analysis of the question, which concludes that the young population of three villages in southern Madrid show similar stigmatizing ideas to the rest of the population.
This article summarizes the information obtained from the qualitative analysis of the openended question, we found that the young population of three villages in southern Madrid show similar stigmatizing ideas to the rest of the population.
The results have allowed us to know the status of the issue and justify an intervention designed to reduce levels of stigma

Vaquero, C., Escudero, M. A., Cebollero, M., Ureña, E., & Saiz, J. (2014). Enfermedad mental y estigma en jóvenes. Un estudio cualitativo. Rehab Psicosocial11(2).

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