‘Against Stigma’ Communication Awards.

UCM Chair - Group 5 'Against Stigma' launches the second edition of the 'Against Stigma' Communication Awards.

Period: From May 10th to October 1st, 2024

UCM Chair – Group 5 ‘Against Stigma’ launches the II Edition of the ‘Against Stigma’ Communication awards to recognize journalistic works that contributed during 2023 to fight against stigma towards people with mental health problems, those who are homeless or with intellectual disabilities in Spain in the modalities of printed and digital, audiovisual (radio and television) or graphic journalism.

The amount of the prize is 500 euros for each of the modalities: print and digital, audiovisual (radio and television) and graphic journalism, and will be awarded to the best works produced or broadcast in 2023 based on quality, awareness and treatment adequacy.

The deadline for receiving works is from May 10th to October 1st of 2024. Journalistic works must be submitted using the following form and will be delivered in the last quarter of 2024.

Participate in the 'Against Stigma' Communication Awards

From May 10th to October 1st

    *Todos los campos son obligatorios



    Correo electrónico*

    Teléfono de contacto*


    Modalidad a la que presenta el trabajo periodístico*

    Medio de comunicación donde ha sido publicado el trabajo periodístico*

    Fecha de publicación del trabajo periodístico*

    Breve currículum de la/s persona/s autora/s del trabajo periodístico*

    Memoria justificativa que explique los aspectos relevantes del trabajo presentado. (Máximo 800 caracteres)*

    Documentación específica de cada modalidad.

      o PDF/enlace para modalidad impresa y digital. Tamaño máximo: 5MB

      o Enlace para modalidad audiovisual

      o Formato JPG en alta resolución, mínimo 300 dpi para modalidad gráfica. Formato JPG

    Declaración responsable de autoría del trabajo presentado al premio.

    Tamaño máximo: 2MB. Tipo de archivo aceptado:.pdf

    * Todos los campos son obligatorios.

    'Against Stigma' Communication Awards

    UCM Chair - Group 5 'Against Stigma'